Denise Noe

Denise Noe has written on true crime for Gauntlet, Ménage, Comrades, Chrysalis Quarterly, Crime Library, and The Lizzie Borden Quarterly.

She is the community editor for The Caribbean Star, a monthly magazine. She has also published articles in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Humanist, Newcomer, The Brookhaven Buzz, Georgia Journal, Exquisite Corpse, The Gulf War Anthology, and Light.
Oct 2, 2009
Sept. 14, 2003 Updated Sept. 24, 2007 Gov. George Wallace Arthur Bremer tried to fill the void in his miserable life by taking the life of Gov. George Wallace in 1972. He failed on both counts. by Denise Noe (Editor's Note: Arthur Bremer was released from prison on...
