Oct 14, 2009
Henry Lee LucasHenry Lee Lucas is frequently touted as the ultimate serial killer, because he ultimately claimed to have killed more than 600 people. This in-depth story, by Bonnie Bobit, editor of the Death Row series of books, not only brings Lucas into sharp focus...
Oct 9, 2009
The deadly occupation of convenience store employee and how the convenience store industry is fighting to prevent the implementation of federal rules that would make those jobs safer. by Bonnie Bobit Other than the job of police officer, which job category would you say is...
Oct 9, 2009
Explores some of the unusual and even humorous facts attending capital punishment.
by Bonnie Bobit
Did You Know?
Frank Johnson was the first death row inmate electrocuted in Florida. He met his fate with the electric chair on October 7, 1924. Throughout 1929 and...