
Whole Foods to Pay High Fines for Shortchanging Customers - NYC
Dec 30, 2015,

Accused of shortchanging NYC customers on prepackaged produce, Whole Foods Inc. has agreed to pay a half million-dollars in penalties. … and mend its wicked ways. 

Parental Abduction Alert: Lucia Perry, 2, of Van Nuys California (see photos and poster)
Dec 29, 2015,

ALERT: Two-year-old Lucia Perry (below) vanished during a supervised visitation with her father, a British national who has an extensive criminal past. 

Search Resumes for Missing Country Music Star Craig Strickland After Pal Found Dead (photo)
Dec 29, 2015,

Last night searchers had to call off the rescue mission for missing country music star Craig Strickland due to bad weather, but those efforts will hopefully resume today. 

Over 1000 Raving Teens Flash Mob Shopping Mall in Louisville - Kentucky
Dec 29, 2015,

Almost 2000 raving teenagers flash mobbed a Louisville Kentucky mall over the weekend, halting business there with deliberate acts of mayhem. 

GOTCHA ETHAN COUCH (Affluenza Teen and Mom Nabbed in Mexico)
Dec 29, 2015,

Shown in wanted posters below, affluenza teen Ethan Couch and his mom Tonya Couch were nabbed by U.S. and Mexican authorities last night. 

Shenzhen Landslide: Official Leaps to his Drowning Death - China
Dec 28, 2015,

A Chinese official distraught over the deadly Shenzhen landslide last week -- and his own fate as a result -- has drowned himself at the scene of the devastation. 

Mom Charged for Being High While Baby Dies (mug shot)
Dec 28, 2015,

Authorities in North Carolina accuse the 30-year-old new mom below of getting stoned out of her mind on Christmas eve, while her naked and neglected baby lay dying on the sofa. 
