
December 2 2021, Dr. Peter L. Platteborze
The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in 1929 would usher in the use of forensic ballistics to solve gun crimes. by Dr. Peter L. PlatteborzeMost of us have sat mesmerized in front of a TV watching...
May 7 2015, Martin Baggoley
Four months after his marriage to a beautiful 19-year-old, middle-aged Thomas Ogilvie was dead. His younger brother and the young widow were suspected of conspiring to poison him with
January 29 2015, Deborah Rubin Fields
Fifteen years after the rape and murder of high school senior Noa Eyal, a man was arrested on a charge of domestic violence and was forced to provide a DNA sample. A year later, in 2014, that sample...
August 5 2013, Liz Porter
Aug. 5, 2013The latest big thing in forensics is a technique called “stable isotope analysis,” a process that allows scientists to analyze a human body’s hair – or fingernails or bones – to find out...
November 12 2012, Liz Porter
George Kaufman The first criminal investigation in Australia – and one of the first in the world – to use DNA to solve a case. by Liz Porter The affluent middle-class suburb of North Caulfield...
May 20 2013, Paul Buchanan
DNA and the transgender Gypsy super-criminal. by Paul Buchanan On the afternoon of April 25, 2007, Michele Kiesewetter, a 22-year-old police officer in the German city of Heilbronn, drove with...

The Birth of Forensic Ballistics

December 2 2021, 0 Comments
The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in 1929 would usher in the use of forensic ballistics to solve gun crimes. by Dr. Peter L. PlatteborzeMost of us have sat mesmerized in front of a TV watching...


May 7 2015, 0 Comments
Four months after his marriage to a beautiful 19-year-old, middle-aged Thomas Ogilvie was dead. His younger brother and the young widow were suspected of conspiring to poison him with

Searching For A Link To A Broken Lifeline

January 29 2015, 0 Comments
Fifteen years after the rape and murder of high school senior Noa Eyal, a man was arrested on a charge of domestic violence and was forced to provide a DNA sample. A year later, in 2014, that sample...
Oct 14, 2009
April 3, 2003 Updated  Feb. 6, 2004 John SchneebergerIt's said that the Royal Canadian Mounties always get their man -- but in this case justice was delayed for seven years, and the doctor might never have answered for his crimes if it hadn't been for one very...
Oct 13, 2009
March 3, 2008 updated July 25, 2008Marty Tankleff and Parents After serving 17 years for the 1988 murders of his adoptive parents, Marty Tankleff's conviction was overturned by an appellate court in December, 2007. On July 1, 2008, New York State Attorney General Andrew...
Oct 13, 2009
The structure of part of a DNA double helixA stunning report was issued by the Department of Justice in 1996, reporting on 28 cases of men who'd been convicted of violent sex crimes, including murder, and were then freed from prison based on DNA J.J. Maloney These 28...
Oct 10, 2009
The FBI's vaunted crime lab is a scandal of atrocious forensic science. Its "junk science" permeates the U.S. criminal justice system as it bogus "findings" routinely punish the innocent and set the guilty free, affecting thousands of lives in the process. by John F. Kelly...
