Chuck Lyons

Chuck Lyons is retired from a career editing community newspapers in the Finger Lakes region of New York State As a freelance writer, his articles, memoirs, stories, and haiku have appeared in a number of national and international periodicals.  He lives in Brighton, near Rochester New York.
Jan 31, 2017
In the summer of 1871,two grubby prospectors conned a Who's Who of San Francisco's financial elite as well of Charles Tiffany of New York to invest $10 million in diamond fields that did not exist.  by Chuck LyonsThe framed stock certificate on the wall in banker...
Jun 21, 2016
(image Laura Fair went on trial in 1871for murdering her double-crossing married lover, a morality play was acted out in a San Francisco courtroom that made headlines across the United States and became a national obsession. by Chuck LyonsLaurel Fair was born...
May 16, 2016
 Serbian-born Szilveszter Matuska pulled off four train wrecks in Hungary and Austria in the 1930s that killed 22 people and injured hundreds of people. He said God made him do it. Was he a revolutionary or a mad man?by Chuck Lyons“I like to see people die,” Szilveszter...
Mar 9, 2016
In small villages throughout England, the killing of people alleged to be witches was not uncommon. In 1945, the murder of Charles Watson is considered to be the last of this Chuck LyonsThe murder of Charles Walton is considered the last witch killing in the United...