Evan Whitton was a crime reporter at Melbourne
Truth, chief reporter at
The Sydney Morning Herald,, editor of
The National Times, and reader in Journalism at the Queensland University. He received the Walkley Award (Australia’s Pulitzer) five times. He began looking into two legal systems after observing how each dealt with the same organized criminal, Queensland Police Commissioner Sir Terry Lewis, in 1988 and 1991. He believes the research confirms Yale law professor Fred Rodell’s view that the Anglo-colonial system is “nothing but a high-class racket.” Dr Robert Moles (LLB Hons Belfast, Ph.D Edinburgh) says Whitton’s latest book,
Our Corrupt Legal System (Amazon, The Book Depository, google.com/ebooks), is “one of the most important books I have ever read on the common law legal system. [It] should be required reading on Introduction to Law courses in all law schools.” Six of his other books on corruption in police, politics and the law are free online at
netk.net.au/whittonhome.asp. He can be contacted at ewhitton@bigpond.net.au